.. include:: references.txt .. _api: ************* Reference/API ************* .. currentmodule:: iris Opening raw datasets ==================== To open any raw dataset, take a look at the :func:`open_raw` function. .. autofunction:: open_raw Raw Dataset Classes =================== .. autoclass:: AbstractRawDataset :members: Diffraction Dataset Classes =========================== :class:`DiffractionDataset` --------------------------- .. autoclass:: DiffractionDataset :show-inheritance: :members: :class:`PowderDiffractionDataset` --------------------------------- .. autoclass:: PowderDiffractionDataset :show-inheritance: :members: Migrating older datasets ------------------------ The work "migration" here is used to signify that a particular dataset needs to be *migrated* to a slightly updated form. This is done automatically if the dataset is opened with write permissions. .. autoclass:: MigrationWarning :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: MigrationError :show-inheritance: